Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Letter to Tom

My dearest Tom,
   You promised me that you would write to me every Wednesday. Perhaps you've forgotten? Any who, I'll be the first to begin writing letters, since I miss you so. You mean so much to me. Every time I close my eyes I see yours, like silver shining coins, staring into mine. I imagine us living in a rich and Daisy-free world, just you and I. We'd enjoy our lives in our own house much more grand than anyone has ever laid eyes upon.  Maids and butlers would be constantly running around and fetching all the shopping I've done. There would be gold and diamonds at every corner, and everyone would see just how much of a gentleman you are. I can't wait for that day, darling. You are much more of a man than my poor excuse of a husband will ever be, and for that, I will always love you.

Forever yours,

(P.S. We need to pick up nicer furniture for the apartment. The things we've got now are rather tacky).

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Chatper 3 assignment: Sifting through the chapter's "glitter" for its gold.

Passage 4
" There was dancing now on the canvas in the garden, old men pushing young girls backward in eternal graceless circles, superior couples holding each other tortuously, fashionable and keeping in the corners-and a great number of single girls dancing individualistically or relieving the orchestra for a moment of the burden of the banjo or the traps. By midnight the hilarity has increased....A pair of stage "twins" -who turned out to be the girls in yellow did a baby act on costume and champagne was served in glasses bigger than finger bowls...I was enjoying myself now. I had taken two finger bowls of champagne and the scene has changed before my eyes into something significant, elemental and profound".

The breakdown:
   1. This passage is set up by Nick continuously introducing the reader to a pleasant thought, then quickly striking down this impression with an ugly reality. He makes it a statement how such an extravagant party is spoiled by such tasteless and morally corrupted guests.
   2. The first sentence is a perfect example. Since Gatsby's party is described and understood to be magnificent and unbelievable, the reader would imagine any sort of dancing going on as dreamy and beautiful. However, Nick gives a sudden "slap to the face" to the reader by morphing these images. Images of flowing dancers turn into sights of old men pushing (notice the men are not leading, nor spinning the girls) backwards in eternal graceless circles. The idea of couples is replaced with a great number of single girls dance individualistically. Nick uses the euphemism of couples being "superior" by explaining how they dance holding each other tortuously and keep in the corners, which suggests how they do not act quite "superior".
   3. Nick states that by midnight, the hilarity has increased. It is common in fairy tales, such as Cinderella, for the strike of midnight to expose the characters for what they really are.  Cinderella goes from a beautiful, eye-catching princess into a dirty, poor maid. By midnight at Gatsby's party, however, the guests go from rowdy, uncoordinated people into embarrassingly misbehaved fools lacking propriety.
   4. Nick realizes that the party is rather ironic. Before he drinks these huge finger bowls of champagne, Nick finds the dancing unappealing. Once he becomes drunk, he is able to view this party of fools through the same uncoordinated eyes and begins to enjoy the scene and almost like magic, it changes before his eyes into something "significant, elemental, and profound."

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Five random things about Nicole!

1. My middle name is Zaguirre, which is my mother's maiden name.

2. I have a really huge fear of aliens! I'm pretty sure that's because in fourth grade Russell Bechmann told me that they were going to come and eat me alive (and that ghosts watch me in my sleep).

3. My dad enjoys home brewing beer, sake, and soda during the weekends, and forces me to join him. It's not fun because in the end, neither of us are allowed to drink it (he has acid-reflux and I'm obviously under age).

4. I used to have an extremely heavy Filipino accent, and I would get teased and embarrassed so much that I asked Sabrienne Olanio to teach me how to speak normally (although most of the time people can still hear it in my voice).

5. I have a habit of rearranging my bedroom almost every month. For some reason I'm never satisfied with the way it looks.